
Hello, my name is Don Green, I was born in Missoula, Montana in 1951, but was brought up in Spokane Washington
where I have spent the majority of my working life as a licensed Architect. Sue and I have been married for 36
years and have two sons.

I graduated from High School in Spokane and went on to Washington State University receiving a Bachelor of
Science in Architectural Studies degree and Bachelor of Architecture degree.  In the early Seventies I spent a
few years in the United States Navy as an Operations Specialist in Naval Warfare.  I was deployed to South East
Asia and also was privileged to be assigned to NASA as part of the primary recovery team for both Skylab I and
Skylab II.  Years latter, I became a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for Spokane County and have since moved on.

Restoring and making custom split bamboo fly rods for family and friends since 1978 has been my passion. With
retirement nearing and wanting something useful and rewarding to fill the time, I am turning my hobby interest into
a cottage industry.  With the encouragement of family and friends, I have done so!  

With a background as a licensed Architect, I understand the structural mechanics of how a rod works. This
knowledge combined with an appreciation for the arts enables me to either select or design a rod that meets your
personal preferences and fishing style. Tell me something about yourself and your fishing likes and I can help select
a rod that fits You.

Any questions, please email or call  (509) 534-8534 and I will be happy to talk with you.

Rod Wrapping Station
Split Bamboo Rod Company
Copyright 2008-2012
All rights reserved.
Split Bamboo Rod Company
P.O. Box 30854-3014
Spokane, Washington
(509) 534-8534
Dickerson 7613 - #5602
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Links to some of our friends: