Split Bamboo Rod Company
Copyright 2008-2011
All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 30854-3014
Spokane, Washington
(509) 534-8534
Green 6601
Dickerson 7613 BF
Payne 101
Rod Gallery
This Payne 101 is a 7'-6", 4.25 oz, 2-piece 5 weight rod. It is a medium fast Blond colored rod with
nickel silver ferrules and up locking reel seat.  The reel seat is apple wood and the grip is Douglass Fir bark
with a pine bark accent next to the reel seat. The silk wraps are Java Brown in color with black trim. The
silk wraps are treated to become translucent and if you look closely at feet of the agate stripping guide,
you will see them through the silk.
This version of the Dickerson 7613 is a 7'-6", 4.25 oz., 5 wt 2-piece rod with integral bamboo ferrules.
It has a medium to medium-fast action and is a real sweetheart to cast. The integrated bamboo ferrule
makes the rod feel like a one piece rod. The Bamboo ferrule is impregnated as well as the "Big Leaf Maple
Reel seat. This seat is mortised and provides a positive lockup when used with the "up locking" nickel silver
hardware.  A fighting butt has also been included.  The grip is made from hand selected rings of Douglass
Fir Bark. The Bark is very similar to cork in weight and performance.  The silk wraps and the red agate
stripping guide are a perfect color match.
The 6601 is a 6'-6", 3.25 oz. 4/5 weight that I designed for spring creek fishing.  I was inspired by the
Paul Young midge when I designed this rod. I liked the midge but wanted a rod more suited to a particular
spring creek that I fish often. I wanted a short range rod that would load up easily with only 5-10 feet of
line. The solution was to design a rod that would be versatile enough to cast a 4 weight for distance and a
5 weight for short range. The rod was flamed to give it rich dark caramel color.  The grip is a "Reversed
Half Wells" style with re-sawn cork and impregnated maple accent pieces at each end. The reel seat is
impregnated "Big Leaf Maple" with an up locking nickel silver reel seat. Seated on the reel seat is a classic
Hardy Bougle Mk VI. Nickel silver ferrules are crowned and wrapped with red gossamer silk tipped with
black wraps. A red banded Agate stripping guide is color matched to the rod.
PHY Driggs River Special
The Paul H. Young Driggs River Special is a medium action 7' 2", 3.25oz 2-piece 5wt rod. This rod is
terrific to cast and requires very little effort, it almost feels like it casts itself. It has the ability to cast
in close and can still go a good distance. Of all of the rods I have made for myself, this is one of my
favorites.  It fits my slowed down casting style perfectly and like all of my rods, it is build to fit the
individual! In my case the center portion of this "Full Wells or Fish Tail"" style grip on this rod was enlarged
to fit my rather large hands. The rod and reels combined center gravity rests directly at the center of my
right hands grasp of the rod's grip. The reel seat is mortised impregnated maple with custom made nickel
silver Leonard style cap and ring set.
A J Thramer 7 DX
The 7DX is a 7' 6", 3.75oz 2-piece rod 5wt rod. This rod has a relatively fast action rod and has the
power to reach distant fish. I like to use this rod on lakes and rivers. The cork grip is a "Reversed Half
Wells" style with an impregnated maple end and a matching real seat. The reel is held in place with an up
locking nickel silver reel seat. The rod itself is lightly flamed and is complemented by classic orange and
green silk wraps.
Paul H. Young Para 14
The Para 14 is a 7' 9", 4 oz 5wt 2 piece rod. The rod has a medium fast action and is one of my favorite
rods. The cork grip is styled to be a combination of a "Cigar" and a "Full Wells". The silk wraps on this rod
are clear in the center and bordered by combination of scarlet and java brown wraps at each end. The
agate stripping guide is almost a perfect color match to the color toned bamboo. Color toning is a process
by which the bamboo is darkened to produce a rich brown color, the color can range from a light brown as
shown on this rod to a dark mahogany.
Leonard 38 H
The Leonard 38 H is a 7'0",3.25 oz 4/5 wt 2 piece rod medium action rod. This rod like the Green 6601
above is an excellent choice for small spring creeks. The real seat is highly figured black walnut and like all
of my hand made real seats, it is impregnated to prevent swelling and cracking and it is finished  with
several coats of gun stock oil. This rod also is color toned and is several shades darker than the Para 14, I
wish you all could see the rods in person, the Internet does not show the true color and clarity of detail
and beauty that these rods have.
Sir-D 5wt, #5701
rod #5701
This "Sir-D" is a 7'0" 5wt. In its original form it was a 7'0" 4wt rod designed by Wayne Cattanach and
later modified by the late Darryl Hayashida. Hayashida reduced some of the stress in it's soft tip by
adding a bit more bamboo to the rod. I really liked the action of the 4wt rod had but prefer a 5wt rod so
I added another .006" to the rod taper. The rod has a relatively fast action, the relatively soft tip gives
it more accuracy and protects the tippet and the heavy butt provides power. This rod has a Douglas fir
bark grip combined with a combination of impregnated maple and walnut. The guide wraps again are a
perfect color match to the agate stripping guide and some of the colors of the bark.
Dickerson 8013
This is my version of the Dickerson 8013, it is an 8'0" 5wt rod with an extra fast action. The tip was
lighted up a bit to give a little bit more accuracy and a softer dry fly presentation. It has an impregnated
walnut reel seat and uses walnut and big leaf maple accents in the "Cigar" style grip.
Green 8001
The inspiration for this 8'0" 5wt rods medium-fast action is similar to some of the "Double Parabolic"
actions that were designed by Paul Young and Ray Gould.  It is a great all purpose rod having a lot of power
and a relatively soft dry fly tip. The grip shown is in a "Cigar" style with Zebra wood and Walnut accents.
The real seat is made of pressure impregnated Zebra wood and has Leonard style down locking rings.  
G-P 98
When I have been asked what rod is my favorite, I usually answer "the last one I made" but this one is
different, it is hands down my favorite action. The original credit for the design of this rod should be
given to Jim Payne's 98. His rod was a 7'0" 4wt with a dry fly tip. I took the design a bit further and
made it into a 7' 6" 5wt version which suits me a better than the 4wt version. While this taper turned out
to be nice, I decided to tweak it a bit more by giving it faster action. I love the results of my
modifications, it has a dry fly tip that rolls out at the end like no other rod I have made and has the
power to get it way out there.  Really sweet! The wood reel seat is Cocobolo and the "Cigar" style grip has
Big Leaf Maple and Cocobolo wood accents.
G-G 6001
This "Banty" rod is my version of a 6'0" 5wt 2 piece rod designed Ray Gould, its extra fast action and
short length make for an ideal combination on small creeks with lots of brush and overgrowth. It has the
power to throw a nice long line on occasion and will handle up to a 20" fish. Good quality cork is getting
harder and harder to find and will cost as much as $3.00 for a 1/2" thick rings of which many are culled
out not to be used. Keeping this in mind, I have been experimenting with alternative materials like this oiled
leather grip, it is a bit heavier than cork but I imagine that it will long outlast a cork handle. The real seat
is made from Zebra wood and the grip accents are made from Zebra and Walnut. The wraps are double
tipped Black and Orange Jasper with Light Olive.
Green 7602
The Green 7602 is a 7'6" 2 piece wet fly 5wt rod with a Garrison style action, It is very close to a
Garrison 209E action but is a bit faster and has a wet fly tip. The reel seat is made from "Thuya Burl"
Thuya is from the North Western African country of Morocco. Absolutely beautiful and the most highly
figured wood I have ever seen. As mentioned before, this web site just does not show you the detail that
is there, drop me a line and I will be happy to send you a quality photograph. The reel seat sports Leonard
style cap and ring and the grip has Walnut and Thuya wood accents.
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